B is for blisters of heel, ball and toe and unless you fix them no further you'll go.
C is for contours along which we walked to avoid the peaks at which we baulked.
D is for a detour down into a rut which is what happens when you take a short-cut.
E is for exhausted which is what you will be, when the C2C has finished with thee.
F is for flies that Colly harassed, we all stood aside to let Colly pass.
G is for GPS, Guide Book and such or your navigation is not up to much.
H is for hirsute which now we are not, because to the end of the walk we have got.
I is for indian but not the red kind, the burning sensation is all in your mind.
J is for Julia of video fame, she made it look easy so she should be blamed.
K is for Kidsty a very high Pike, which has views that we quite like.
L is for lost which we were not but not from any talent we've got.
M is for methane from cows who have gas, you could power the country on what comes out their ass.
N is for nettles which line all the roads, some are so strong it'd slow a cane toad.
O is for OH NO, not another big hill.
P is for pain which makes us all strong, just why does it have to take so long.
Q is for quick which is how Colly walks, Pete and Al just like to talk.
R is for rain and wetness profound, making you sink in boggy ground.
S is for stones that you throw in the sea.
T is for turds spread around, fragrance du nord anglaise is profound.
U is for (udder) misery when it gets wet, and the cows have churned up the beck.
V is for vertigo which afflicts some, 10 feet from the edge was a close as they'd come.
W is for Wainwright who invented this bash, just as well the ... is ash.
X is for exceptional hosteleries.
Y is for why, why, why.
Z is for zippity do dah, zippity aye, I'm leaving for Australia today.
Well done you made it!! Enjoyed the poem, you should record it for the vlog; set it to rolf harris music. The BBC have taken your threats against Julia very seriously and will be there at Heathrow to make sure you leave the country. We will miss you. Let us know if you ever want to come and watch some Rugby in Leicester. Susan and Lizzie